
New Year's Resolutions

I don't normally buy into the whole new year, new start thing, but I thought I might as well use the fact that it is a new year to make some personal resolutions for the twelve months ahead. So here goes. I am going to split them into three sections- fashion, beauty and lifestyle.

Warning- this post does not contain many exciting pictures and mostly consists of me rambling!


1.Sort out my wardrobe-only keep what I wear all the time/really love. Ebay the rest. I really got into Ebay at the end of last year, it's such a good way of clearing out your wardrobe and making money-and so easy. I definitely don't miss anything I've sold!

2. Spend money on things I really love, don't waste money on things that seem cheap but I never wear. I would much rather get a more expensive pair of boots I wear with everything than 10 crap things from Primark that I hate in a month. That's not to say I don't love a bit of Primark- but in moderation!

3. Go out of my comfort zone more often- at the weekend I tend to dress more comfortably (read boring). Although I'm not going to start wearing 6 inch heels to pick up some milk, I have loads of stuff in my wardrobe I love that hardly ever gets an outing because in my head it is 'night out' clothing. So I plan to mix it   up a bit more. If Anna Dello Russo can wear this to pop to Morrison's why can't I:

Haha not quite but you get the idea! 


  1. Invest in some more high end make up. I think chemist brands are great for some things ( Rimmel Wake Up Concealer I'm looking at you) but for products like foundation or blusher I think it makes sense to pay a bit more. Top of my list so far:
Nars Bronzer in Laguna 

 MAC Lipstick in Media

 MAC Pro Long Wear Foundation

My aim is to look a bit more groomed. I do my hair and make up in the morning and it looks acceptable in my bedroom mirror- then I walk to the tube station, get into a sweaty mess and by 2pm my make up is halfway down my face! Reapplying throughout the day would also help with this one. 

2. Get my hair cut more often- I put this off and put this off constantly. I think it's hard to find a great hairdresser - a lot of them just half listen to you or suggest something that doesn't suit you, then charge you £40 for the privilege. I've also been threatening to get my hair cut a bit shorter for aaages, so maybe this year I will take the plunge. 


1. Do some volunteering. I have been harping on about this for ages but never got round to it so this year I need to do something about it. I would love to help out at a museum/art gallery/exhibition or something relating to fashion. 

2. GO ON HOLIDAY. I didn't go on holiday last year and it made me very sad. I definitely want at least a week somewhere hot this year. Hopefully a few little European/British long weekends away too, what with Groupon et al and their ker-azy deals. 

3. Continue blogging. During the tail end of last year I started blogging a lot more and I've been enjoying it. I love receiving and replying to comments and seeing my followers increase is really exciting. I need to get some business cards made ASAP and am going to look into teaching myself Photoshop/basic HTML to prettify my layout. 

Fingers crossed I can achieve at least half of these. Happy New Year everyone!

All images from Google  


  1. I want to keep doing my blog but im so shit at writing :( xx

    1. no you aren't mate, and anyway the more you write the better you will get. You never know unless you try! :) xxx

  2. Great goals, I always think it's a great time to reflect and set out goals for the year. I don't refer to them as resolutions though, I then go back and check on them after 6 months to see where I'm at.

    I agree, with you on the fashion front, in the past I've tried to 'save' some pieces for nights out but I need to start wearing them more during the day.
