
Notes from May


  • This made me laugh because I do enjoy this kind of chat. It me ;) 
  • The campest moments in Vogue
  • I will be so excited if this kind of shopping experience happens in Boots
  • Confessions of a wedding dress shop owner is sweet 
  • This pamphlet on abortion is both funny and very much true 
Book wise this month I read Queenie, which was fantastic, The Lido, which was sweet and warm but not particularly memorable and The Brown Owl's Guide to Life, which was pretty bad. I only read the latter because it had Brown Owl in the title and I am a Brownie/Guide leader. Although I'm not even called Brown Owl.


I'll tell you what I'm NOT watching and that is bloody Avengers. I'm beyond over superhero films, not that I was ever on board with them in the first place. Instead, I saw 8th Grade at the cinema and it was adorable and life affirming. I cried a lot. Rich and I also saw BookSmart for free via See It First which was, dare I say it, the best teen film since Mean Girls. Five stars for both.

On'telly I've been watching Derry Girls (enjoy, has given me an appreciation for the Northern Irish accent), I Think You Should Leave (a new 15 minute sketch show on Netflix which is weird but sometimes hilariously funny) and Bodyguard (amazing, where have I been?!?).


My habit for the month of May was wearing my clothes in outfit combos I've not worn before, so I've been wearing the shit out of most of my wardrobe tbh! I've been enjoying this ASOS black satin skirt a lot.


I've had some delightful meals out this month including a trip to the mainly vegetarian Root - pricey but a vegetarian's dream. I had the 'It's not a Dog' hot dog from Bulls and Dogs in Amsterdam which I still think about daily. The crispy onion rings were unreal. The best brunch I've had in a hot minute came from The Malago  in Bedminster, a suburb of Bristol, followed by a trip to the adorable Earthcake (found on the same road) for vegan cake.


Two podcast episodes I've particularly enjoyed this month are Adam Buxton and Marlon James and Gretchen Reuben on The Nutrition Diva podcast . The former is an interesting chat with someone I previously knew little about, and the latter is a good, succinct chat with habit master Gretchen, where you get a solid intro to her methods.

Music wise, the BookSmart soundtrack is a treat. 


Rich and I had our first city break (and general holiday) in ages this month when we had a long weekend in Amsterdam! Our Air BnB was a little way out of the city but so airy, peaceful and surrounded by a forest. We spent our time wandering, eating stroopwaffels and visiting a cat sanctuary on a boat. Amsterdam you are nice.

Enjoying on Instagram

  • This whole outfit speaks to me. The matching socks! The double leopard! The SUIT!
  • All of these plants please
  • I bought a velvet headband off of Amazon very soon after seeing this pic
  • Never thought I'd be a big lover of the tie-dye trend, but I have found myself drawn to it a lot. Particularly this

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