
12 Habits - Selling something on eBay every day

Similarly to my Yoga habit (which ironically and as predicted, I've been doing pretty much daily for two months since), this habit was a bit of a fail.

I have sold a number of items on eBay, sure, but I did not list one every day. I couldn't decide which habit to select for the month of June for ages, and I think I mainly chose this one because it sounded easy.

In hindsight, this is not what I really want out of my 12 Habits for 2019 project. The point is to challenge myself and this was not really a challenge - I sell stuff on eBay all of the time, usually photographing and listing in bulk which works perfectly fine so I think this was me letting myself off the hook, and I am annoyed at myself.

That's all I really have to say about this habit, but at least now I know that my previous eBay selling system was working for me!

My habit for July is going to be meditation.

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