
Notes from July

There may or may not be anyone who cares about my monthly likes and dislikes, discoveries and food comas. Nevertheless, writing them makes me happy. Here is July.


  • As a former Topshop employee, I found this article about its demise a v. interesting read
  • This open letter so eloquently explains why Cancer Research's poster campaign linking cancer to obesity does more harm than help
  • If the internet has been great for one thing, it's highlighting micro annoyances of being female. Contraceptive pill admin being one of them
  • The Lion Queen, not The Lion King?
  • Trip Advisor's harshest reviewers taken out to dinner. Lols ensue
  • This review of street style fashion from 2010 to now is fun

I also read more books than usual this month, and I am happy to report that they were mostly good or great!

My Mum Tracey Beaker by Jacqueline Wilson and Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret by Judy Blume (a re-read) were both nostalgic ones which made me feel warm inside.

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is different to books I usually read, a true story about a guy that dies (not a spoiler) whilst trying to survive in the Alaskan wilderness. I found him fascinating.

Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney was everything my millennial self wanted it to be. The characters aren’t particular warm, nothing big seems to happen, but it’s kind of hypnotic and the writing is addictive. I can’t wait to read Ordinary People.

You Will Know Me by Megan Abbott (a Girl on the Train style thriller) was intriguing but a bit irritating by the end.


This month I went to France where we have a house in which I lived for one year when I was 6. It is old as shit and I would describe it as modest yet loveable. The heatwave was very much alive so we went to the beach, ate delicious seaside pizza and visited the local open top swimming pool. We wandered about in nearby towns, took sunset strolls and did some impromptu strawberry picking. There were rabbits in the fields and it was all in all, a lovely time. 

I also went on the, now annual, pilgrimage to Torquay. One of my friend's parents lives there so we like to congregate there when it's warm to eat chips, have the best afternoon tea and potter about. This time we went to an antique shop and I bought a 1960s dress, a disco ball and a woven bag. 

I went to Birmingham as my friend wanted to visit the massive Primark. It had an underwhelming Disney cafe where I had some sad pancakes in the shape of Mickey. No tea no shade to Birmingham but I won't be rushing back. 


This month I did not visit any new Bristol restaurants, but I have been eating a whole bunch of fruit. Summer fruit is my absolute favourite thing, especially cherries which I could (and do) eat by the punnet. I also discovered Lara Bars, which are like Nakd bars but better and they are a treat let me tell you.

Now French food isn't usually all that great for vegetarians but we mostly just eat bread and salads which is fine by me. However, foods that are the absolute BEST in France include baguettes, croissants, carrot rapee (carrot in a delicious vinaigrette), potato dauphinoise, yogurts and madeleines. Oooo mumma. 


I've been listening to back issues of a podcast called 'Ologies' where Alie Ward talks to various experts about various ologies (e.g. Phonology (linguistics), Egyptology, Mixology and so on). It's interesting and Alie is a charmer. My favourite one so far is the one about cats. 

Enjoying on Instagram

Pink and zebra are a classic combo

This vintage looking jumpsuit is a gem

I could cry about how much I love this outfit

Cow print is underrated


I watched 'When They See Us' on Netflix about the Central Park 5 and let me tell you it was EMOTIONAL. But also it was brilliant. Especially the 4th episode. Watch it now as it is a limited series. I started watching Fleabag 1,000 years after everyone else and the second episode made me laugh so hard on the ferry Rich had to tell me to shut up because he was trying to sleep.

Films what I have watched are: Mary Queen of Scots (enjoyed), Toy Story 4 (meh), The Lion King (enjoyed but a pale comparison of the original).


Whilst in Birmingham I purchased a spotty top from H&M and a black cardigan from Topshop. I found a website called Rapanui which sells ethically made clothes and I bought a great T-shirt dress, which I would highly recommend. And free returns which you don't often get from smaller sites!

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