Hello friends.
I have had this blog
for a long ass time. Since 2009 in fact. I often don't like to tell people
that, because I feel like it makes me sound like a bit of a failure. I haven't
got a million followers, I'm not a #influencer. I mean, I've never been super consistent,
which probably plays a part, but who knows why I'm not raking in the followers
and all the sweet blogging dollar.
It is not, and never
has been, my intention for this to be a full time gig. It's always been a
hobby, something I've enjoyed planning and writing. I feel, however, that in
the past couple of years I've neglected it, and it's been a bit of a hot mess.
Mainly due to some personal stuff I've had (and still have) going on, which I
might discuss one day, but also due to the demise of blogging in general I
think. The blogs on my InoReader (RSS reader of choice since the sad sad
closure of Google Reader - 6 years on and I'm still not over it) has
diminished, due to people closing their blogs or never posting or me just
outgrowing the content. Also, the tide towards blogging and long form content
has completely turned - fast, Instagram #CoTeNt is now king. I put my hands up,
I am guilty of starting to read some blog posts and giving up half way through,
of favouring short snappy blogs over longer ones. But, but, in a way this
is a good thing. I have honed my favourites; I still love a long, juicy read if
it resonates with me. My favourite blogs, Man Repeller, The Little Plum, Wit
& Delight still fill me with happiness and provide me
with posts which I devour on my lunch break. I never want blogging to go
away completely.
With that being
said, I've joined Vix Meldrew's Glow and Grow blogging community and I am
officially using this post as a way to be accountable to myself and start
putting blogging high up on my agenda again.
Vix's number one advice is that every blog needs a niche. I've always described my blog as fashion, beauty and lifestyle, but I think it's time for a new direction. I still love fashion just as much as I did, but I see it in a completely new light these days - the sustainability conversation cannot be ignored and I don't want to be a big part of the fast fashion movement anymore. That's not to say I will never buy anything from the high street, but I want those things to be pieces I buy if there is a gap in my wardrobe, stuff that I will have for a long time, not just one season or event.
To that end, this
blog is going to focus on figuring out life as a 30 something year old - enjoying life in flux and navigating the ups and downs this brings. I want to talk about fun stuff - things and
tips I have discovered which make life easier. Everyday insights into everyday
things, as I find how different people do every day tasks endlessly
fascinating. Sharing the best things, places and food in Bristol and beyond. Sporadic thoughts about a new jumper I love or charity shop tips I can't wait to pass on. Is
that enough of a niche? I don't know. But let's just see how it goes shall we?
If I have learned anything from the multitude of podcasts I now listen to,
failure is no bad thing - in fact it is essential in life.
I hope that you will
continue to read this blog and enjoy the slightly different direction I will be
taking. And I still can't wink.
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